Export Market Priority

Selection of export countries with the greatest market potential for your products or services

Specialised consultants and digital export consulting platform

Report Sample Prime Target

Download our Sample Report

Market Ranking

Our clients speak

What you will find in your ​reports


Personalized rankings and insights on top scoring countries

Economy data

We help you understand the economic situation and profile for each country analyzed

Social media

Information obtained from social media delivers insights on current market discussions on your products and competitor insights

Market data

Market data, sizing, and growth rates from our vetted, highly reliable sources

Market access

Analysis of market accessibility conditions, export value and volume, and tax/custom requirements

Country risk analysis

Risk analysis

Understand and identify risk level for each country and decide wisely regarding risk level you are ready to assume

How it works


Reliable sources, trustworthy proprietary AI-based algorithm and powerful analytics


Hybrid model which is powered by business intelligence and expert consultants


Advisory, market reports, and updates to stay informed on your prime target markets
Five Best Online tools - White paper

Download our white paper:

Grow your global business with confidence. Find and watch new export markets with a personalised reports and monthly updates.

Find your solution


Market watchlist
5 countries
Personalised monthly report to watch your export markets.


Market watchlist
10 countries
Personalised monthly report to watch your export markets.


Market watchlist
20 countries
Personalised monthly report to watch your export markets.

They trust us

About us Prime Target SMEs and start-ups

Laura Drewett Pourquoiprincesse.com

« Prime Target made the decision-making process of where to export next easy. Their great and beautiful reports allowed us to decide on our next best potential export markets. »

About us Prime Target SMEs and start-ups

Laurent Bonnet

« Prime Target’s monthly reports allow me to watch my current and future markets. I feel more confident about the different markets I am present in already and those I intend to develop. »
About us Prime Target SMEs and start-ups accelerate growth

Victor Stekly

« Prime Target gave me some valuable information and was instrumental in helping me evaluate in more detail which markets held the most potential for us. »

About us Prime Target SMEs and start-ups accelerate growth

Etienne de Fontainieu
Legal City

« Prime Target’s market reports are ready in a few days and it’s very hard to replicate what they do. The reports are unique and full of insights for our global growth. »

Our eventS


SIDO – Best Practice

Best Practice & Training Forum
with Prime Target

September 23th – 26th 2024
Salt Lake City, Utah USA

Insights to achieve global success