Export Market Priority
Selection of export countries with the greatest market potential for your products or services
Specialised consultants and digital export consulting platform

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Market Ranking
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What you will find in your reports

Personalized rankings and insights on top scoring countries

Economy data
We help you understand the economic situation and profile for each country analyzed

Social media
Information obtained from social media delivers insights on current market discussions on your products and competitor insights

Market data
Market data, sizing, and growth rates from our vetted, highly reliable sources

Market access
Analysis of market accessibility conditions, export value and volume, and tax/custom requirements

Risk analysis
Understand and identify risk level for each country and decide wisely regarding risk level you are ready to assume
How it works

Reliable sources, trustworthy proprietary AI-based algorithm and powerful analytics


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Laura Drewett Pourquoiprincesse.com
« Prime Target made the decision-making process of where to export next easy. Their great and beautiful reports allowed us to decide on our next best potential export markets. »

Laurent Bonnet

Victor Stekly
« Prime Target gave me some valuable information and was instrumental in helping me evaluate in more detail which markets held the most potential for us. »

Etienne de Fontainieu
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Our eventS
Insights to achieve global success

Canadian SMEs: Looking Beyond the U.S. in the Face of Tariffs
Canada’s reliance on the United States as its primary export market is

Export Government Support & Prime Target Help for Canadian SMEs
In today’s globalized world, international trade is essential for business growth. Canada

Boosting Your Export ROI: How to Identify the Best Markets for Your Business
On Thursday, December 5th at 3:00 PM (ET), Prime Target and the