Our sources

Prime Target leverages macroeconomic data from globally and nationally recognized and reliable sources. Our data is constantly updated and we continue adding new sources to provide accurate reports to our customers.

Social media analytics allows our customers to gather additional market information using modern tools based on big data. Our social media analytics tools help estimate local demand and watch competition’s presence.

We provide trusted and accurate market sizing including 3-year historic and forecasted data for consumer goods and other industries. Our reports provide as well import data, market access information and trends.

We adopted the most comprehensive cultural dimensions comparison tools. Cultural differences can act as a growth driver or a barrier. Our reports assist companies understand these differences and make the best choices.

We use professional, accurate and reliable sources of data. For transparency and clarity purposes, we communicate to our customers all the sources of the information used in our reports. Our data partners and all other sources of statistics are duly cited in our reports.

accelerate growth globally through
the power of data and analytics.
What you will find in your reports


Economy data

Social media

Market data

Market access

Cultural fit
Our Data Partners

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Prime Target provides a SaaS application and our services are delivered over the Internet. Users can access them from any Internet-enabled device and location.