We are proud to be among the French digital solutions selected by BPI France and KPMG in their study on the digitalization of export!
Since the covid-19 health crisis, companies have learned to be more agile in order to continue their development and have transformed their operating modes in order to remain efficient on the international market. Digitalization is at the heart of this transformation and represents the main challenge for French companies in the years to come.
Prime Target is one of the ExportTech solutions that provides accurate and simple reports to help exporters make decisions about which international markets to develop. Our solution can analyze and rank 5, 10 or 20 countries according to their potential for each client company. We guarantee delivery in 2 to 5 days. This offer is possible thanks to our digital solution and the expertise of our consultants specialized in international strategy.
Find the link of the study here
Go Global. Wisely.
#export #international #internationalbusiness #expansion #goglobal #PrimeTarget